quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Bye bye 2009


Oeiras Alive

18th Birthday

Adeus 2009, já estou bem farta de ti. No entanto, foste muito bom :). Trouxeste-me novas amizades, muitas alegrias, algumas tristezas, mas acima de tudo, fizeste-me sonhar e crescer. Tudo e nada aconteceu.

Vou-me arranjar para acabar o ano em beleza e entrar ainda melhor! Espero sinceramente, que 2010 traga para todos nós, muita felicidade, novos amores, novos desafios, novas alegrias, muitos sonhos, muitas viagens, muitos festivais e musica e muitas muitas compras. Espero também conseguir acabar o 1º ano na Faculdade! Muita energia e muita força para que consigamos enfrentar tudo o que por ai vem!

Um feliz ano novo para todos!!!

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Wishlist for 2010

The New Year's is coming!
I can't wait to say goodbye to 2009.
I wish everyone a very good year, full of love, health, friendship, shopping, parties and PEACE in the world!


domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009

Final days countdown

at Kremlin


I finished High school!

It's the final days until the end of 2009. I cannot believe how fast the year passed by:

a) Finished high school

b) Got in Law School

c) Went to Andorra

d) Went to Barcelona

e) Didn’t got a boyfriend

f) Partied SO hard

g) Fell in love


Oh god, I did so many things and now I have to spend my last few days of the year, STUDYING. Can you guys believe it?! Yeah, I have final exams in JANUARY 4TH!!! One's cannot celebrate the New Year’s properly.

.....and I’m sick (AGAIN!)

Dude, I’ve to stop smoking.....


Merry (late) Christmas everyone!
Baking, eating a hole lot of crap, drinking , spending time with family, surprises, presents, what else is better?
God, i do love time this of the year.
Now, I can't wait for New Year's Eve!!

terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009

Rafa Castells is fucking amazing

Do I need to say more?
..When I look to his pictures, I just wanna grab a plane ticket and fly to Irland or Scotland. Dead Serious.
I decided for today (at least) not to go out, cause I feel incredibly depressed.

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009

Neil Krug

photos by Neil Krug


I feel like running straight to London.

domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009


It's so fucking cold these days.... but i love it ^^

Model Behavior

Some photos are from Jak and Jill others from stockholm street style.

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

All of my friends are going out tonight to see Gtronic and cause I have TWO tests next week, I have to stay home.
Fuck it, i'm going to do a movie night.

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009